Solana doesn’t have any shell completion enabled by default, but that’s mostly a consequence of not having an available package manager package to install it. (Even if one was available, it would probably be outdated)
Cryptocurrency is still young. It’s hard to think of it that way when you’ve been in the ecosystem for many years, but when you start to look at the capabilities of modern exchanges compared to modern trading platforms like TD Ameritrade, these differences become obvious.
This took me a bit longer than it probably should have because of subtle issues I didn’t foresee that the test cases definitely test for. All in all though, not too tricky. These harder problems aren’t so bad, really.
I’m not sure whether I’m getting better at these or the harder problems aren’t actually that hard…
Add Two Numbers
Welp, here it is folks! I finally sat down and faced my nightmare. The question Amazon gave me during the interview that I basically blew (Well, it actually passed about half of the unit tests, but god knows how it even did that. The code was terrible and had a lot of issues). The first coding question they gave me was Number of Islands which I’ve probably solved on this blog? If I haven’t, it’s pretty easy. THIS one, however, is a bit more tricky. It’s definitely not elite-level hacker hard, but there are some subtle things you have to be aware of if you want to solve this problem.
Hello, world! I hope you’re doing good. Time for some more leetcode challenges!
Reverse String
Number of Good Pairs
It’s been getting really old copying the same file and replacing all the fields every time I want to make a new blog post.
Flood Fill
Cousins in Binary Tree
I had a day filled with coding. I did eight leetcoding challenges for the May challenge (which I didn’t know existed until today), and started on the binary search card. Every single one of these is ranked Easy.
Walls and Gates
Jump Game
Bitwise AND of Numbers Range
Number of Islands
Last Stone Weight
Diameter of Binary Tree
Min Stack
Backspace String Compare
Middle of the Linked List
Counting Elements
Group Anagrams
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
Move Zeroes
After spending an unbelievable amount of time trying to get this working, I figured I’d throw together some steps to help anyone else out.
Maximum Subarray
Happy Number
Single Number
In a time where there is so much uncertainty, things are really looking up. I have a lot of exciting things on the horizon that I can’t really talk about right now, but soon I will be disclosing a lot of exciting changes.
Today marks the beginning of a new era for my online presence. For years, I’ve self-hosted everything and paid for “enterprise-tier” internet services at home. This worked for many years, but as work and school have picked up, I have really lacked the time to maintain everything involved in keeping it running.